Barnes High Street
London SW13
AUA has gained consent to redevelop a plot of land to the rear of Barnes High Street in order to regenerate an under utilised brownfield site. Consent was granted through appeal where the Planning Inspectorate noted that the design would be of a high quality modern appearance which would contrast but not compete with the important buildings in the Conservation Area.
The development proposes the demolition of an existing single storey stock room building and the construction of a high-specification residential dwelling with sustainable design and construction principles incorporated into the proposed scheme. The site is a typical urban back land site surrounded by buildings of different designs and uses in close proximity to one another. Several buildings in the vicinity of the site on Barnes High Street are Buildings of Townscape Merit (BTM) where the development plan seeks to preserve and enhance the historic and architectural value, including their setting.
The proposed mews house is of a modest scale and would follow the pattern of development of the area to the rear of Barnes High Street. The height of the proposal reflects that of the surrounding area, including the adjacent commercial buildings either side, and the massing and setbacks of the scheme have been provided to maintain visual amenity and outlook to the windows of the surrounding buildings.
The new proposal also looks to improve the visual amenity to the surrounding houses overlooking the development by creating extensive green roofs to the development. This system improves the retention of rainwater, biodiversity, thermal insulation, visual outlook to the roof area from the surrounding buildings and requires only occasional maintenance.
City Planning
Change of Use
New Build Home
1,300 sqft
Concept Design
Project Status: