Primrose Gardens

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The design proposal seeks to provide additional reception space and safer use of the roof terrace through material design and structural alterations.  Alterations to the rear lower ground and better connection with garden and material and structural upgrades to the roof terrace so complies with current day building standards. The proposals aim to be of a high architectural standard and sympathetic to the building’s original modern design and the Conservation Area and of Architecst Rick Mather’s original House.

The replacement materials to the top roof terrace will be similar in look to current, where the material design and finish will be to a higher standard. Therefore the glass will remain frosted / satin to match the front and likewise the replacement perspex will be of a similar satin finish. The current key clamp framing will be replaced in areas with new and new handrails finished in brushed stainless steel. The infilling of the rear lower ground floor will be frameless clear double glazing to the sides and central aluminium framed doors with a level threshold accessing the garden terrace. The framing is to be minimal thereby maximising the natural light and view through to the rear garden.

The replacement white painted timber sash windows to the front and back will match the existing though will be higher thermal performing with double glazing. The proposed alterations and materials would not affect the character and appearance of Belsize Conservation Area for the purposes of section 72(1) of the Act.


Private & Confidential

Refurbishment and Extensions

3,000 sqft

Planning, Technical Design,
Construction & Handover

Project Status: